full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Riché D. Richardson: The hidden life of Rosa Parks

Unscramble the Blue Letters

By day, Rosa worked as a seamstress to support her mother and husband. By night, she researched and documented numerous civil rights cases, from local policy disputes to high-profile murder cesas and hate cimres. As secretary, she prepared public responses on bleahf of the Montgomery chptear, battling the harsh sentencing, false accusation and smear campaigns frequently used against acirfan Americans. In addition to her legal work, Parks was a brlaiilnt local strategist. As advisor to the NAACP youth group council, she helped young ppleoe navigate segregated systems including voter registration and whites-only lrirbeias. Through the cover of the NAACP, pkras svteird to bring clandestine civil rights activities into the open. She advocated for civil disobedience training and sopke out against racial violence, particularly the murder of Emmet Till.

Open Cloze

By day, Rosa worked as a seamstress to support her mother and husband. By night, she researched and documented numerous civil rights cases, from local policy disputes to high-profile murder _____ and hate ______. As secretary, she prepared public responses on ______ of the Montgomery _______, battling the harsh sentencing, false accusation and smear campaigns frequently used against _______ Americans. In addition to her legal work, Parks was a _________ local strategist. As advisor to the NAACP youth group council, she helped young ______ navigate segregated systems including voter registration and whites-only _________. Through the cover of the NAACP, _____ _______ to bring clandestine civil rights activities into the open. She advocated for civil disobedience training and _____ out against racial violence, particularly the murder of Emmet Till.


  1. strived
  2. people
  3. cases
  4. spoke
  5. parks
  6. african
  7. crimes
  8. chapter
  9. libraries
  10. brilliant
  11. behalf

Original Text

By day, Rosa worked as a seamstress to support her mother and husband. By night, she researched and documented numerous civil rights cases, from local policy disputes to high-profile murder cases and hate crimes. As secretary, she prepared public responses on behalf of the Montgomery chapter, battling the harsh sentencing, false accusation and smear campaigns frequently used against African Americans. In addition to her legal work, Parks was a brilliant local strategist. As advisor to the NAACP youth group council, she helped young people navigate segregated systems including voter registration and whites-only libraries. Through the cover of the NAACP, Parks strived to bring clandestine civil rights activities into the open. She advocated for civil disobedience training and spoke out against racial violence, particularly the murder of Emmet Till.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
civil rights 4
rosa parks 2
rural alabama 2
racial violence 2
young people 2

Important Words

  1. accusation
  2. activities
  3. addition
  4. advisor
  5. advocated
  6. african
  7. americans
  8. battling
  9. behalf
  10. brilliant
  11. bring
  12. campaigns
  13. cases
  14. chapter
  15. civil
  16. clandestine
  17. council
  18. cover
  19. crimes
  20. day
  21. disobedience
  22. disputes
  23. documented
  24. emmet
  25. false
  26. frequently
  27. group
  28. harsh
  29. hate
  30. helped
  31. husband
  32. including
  33. legal
  34. libraries
  35. local
  36. montgomery
  37. mother
  38. murder
  39. naacp
  40. navigate
  41. night
  42. numerous
  43. open
  44. parks
  45. people
  46. policy
  47. prepared
  48. public
  49. racial
  50. registration
  51. researched
  52. responses
  53. rights
  54. rosa
  55. seamstress
  56. secretary
  57. segregated
  58. sentencing
  59. smear
  60. spoke
  61. strategist
  62. strived
  63. support
  64. systems
  65. training
  66. violence
  67. voter
  68. work
  69. worked
  70. young
  71. youth